David Wygant
Some say that if you don’t have a Ph.D. in psychology and communication, you don’t know a thing about how people communicate and build a relationship. David Wygant is living proof that experience, non-academic knowledge, excellent communication skills, and outstanding analytical skills are no less important.
David is a dating expert and a personal coach with over 20 years of experience working both with couples and individuals who are looking for love or have already found it and are trying to make their relationship happier and healthier.
David has a wide area of expertise. He emphasizes that he praises diversity and works with clients all over the world, from New York to London, from London to Sydney, and from Sydney to the Philippines. Such an approach is priceless for the team of DatingSites.org, as we’re the ones who believe that when it comes to love, borders do not exist.
Thanks to David’s hard work, we can give advice and recommendations not only based on statistics, research, and interviews with people from different countries but also based on deep knowledge of people’s relationship patterns, the most common causes of conflicts, and effective ways to overcome them.